Monday, November 9, 2015


Setup Intel Galileo Gen 2 Board (Arduino Sketch 6.1) on Windows 8.1 64 bit

3. Do the following before connecting SD card to the board --
a. Install Arduino Driver - ....\IntelArduino-1.6.0-Windows\arduino-1.6.0+Intel\drivers
b. Follow the latest guide above till the Blink LED example.
4. Do the following after connecting SD card to the board --
a. After you connect the SD card, the Galileo COM port will disappear in Device Manager, and a CDC Serial Driver will appear in Unknown Devices
b. Install CDC Driver -
b1. In 'My Computer' you will see SD Card has appeared as a Removable Disk -> GoTo folder win-driver, copy into your local, unzip it.
b2. In Device Manager, right click on CDC Serial Driver --> Click Update driver --> Choose 'Browse Computer ..' --> Browse to the folder, where you have unzipped the above file.
b3. Refresh Device Manager - Action Menu - Scan for Hardware changes
5. Connect to Internet:
c. Connecting to WiFi - (If it is not working, you will need to disable any Internet proxy you have turned on)

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